Competitive applicants possess the following qualities:
- Maturity, self-reliance, self-discipline, and resourcefulness
- Initiative, drive, and a willingness to see things through to the end
- The potential to become leaders, opinion formers, and decision makers
- A strong preparation for the proposed course of study or research
- An intellectually well-rounded and broad set of interests
- A strong record of involvement in academic and non-academic pursuits
- An outward-looking disposition and engaging personality
- Critical thinking skills
- Strong written and oral communication skills
Additionally, they:
- Know their faculty and their faculty’s research interests
- Attend lectures, seminars, and brown bag discussions within their field as well as topics of general interest
- Go beyond the basic reading required in their courses (e.g., they read journals in their field)
- Tend to “push the envelope”
- Act upon their passions and commitments
- Can articulate how and why a particular course of study, research, or internship will enhance their personal and career objectives
- Have the potential to put their experiences to “good use”
As a general rule, competitive applicants tend to be those individuals who can be said to exhibit a:
- Commitment to society (e.g., civil engagement, public service, social entrepreneurship)
- Commitment to self (e.g., self-development, intellectual exploration)
- Commitment to career (e.g., research, academic/professional engagement and development)
These three over-arching “commitments” can serve as a useful organizational framework for assessing your strengths and weaknesses.