Step 1: Register for and begin application (DO NOT SUBMIT anything through the on-line application until told to do so by Dean Goldberg; simply SAVE it for yourself.)
Step 2: Ask for 3 STRONG Letters of Recommendation. Recommendations are extremely important for the success of your Marshall application!
The 3 letters are designated as follows: (1) Preferred; (2) General (who should have taught or supervised you); and (3) Leadership. Two of the 3 letters must come from individuals in the US.
Two of the 3 should be from faculty who are familiar with your academic/intellectual potential and research abilities; 1 letter must also primarily address your leadership and ambassadorial potential.
When selecting your recommenders, be sure to read the information and advice for recommenders as articulated in the link below. Share this information with your recommenders! Letters are limited to 1000 words (excluding contact info and salutation).
Recommenders must submit their draft/preliminary LORs as WORD documents directly to
Dean Goldberg (; by 1st Friday of September.
Step 3: YOU will Submit the following materials using the Submit Materials tab to Dean Goldberg by Last Friday of August:
If you studied abroad, you will need a copy of your study abroad transcript. If you do not already have one, please order one from your study abroad provider.
Before writing your essays, keep in mind that Marshall pays particular attention to how well you address their 3 selection criteria: Academic Merit, Leadership Potential, and Ambassadorial Potential.
The essays include:
Personal Statement (750 words):
Describe your intellectual development and other interests and pursuits. This is essentially a statement of your intellectual and career development that illustrates how your various interest come together to form a picture of who you are and how they have shaped your vision of your future. It is not a narrative rendition of your resume but more a story of your journey.
Proposed Academic Program/s of Study (500 words):
Describe your proposed academic program/s of study in the UK, giving reasons for your program selection/s. If you plan to complete a research degree (research master’s or PhD) include a description of your proposed research (outline) as well as with whom you would like to work. You should also include a brief outline explaining why you have chosen your second choice institution/s and course/s of study.
How COVID 19 Impacted You (150 words):
In what unique ways has the COVID 19 pandemic affected you and your candidacy for the Marshall Scholarship.
Post Scholarship Plan (150 words):
Describe your plans immediate plans upon completion of your Marshall Scholarship and why the years spent in the UK completing your course/s of study will enhance those plans. As well as describing your plans for employment or further study, you should indicate how you would develop ongoing connections with the UK through your UK institution/s and program/s of study as well as through other contacts you propose to make while in the UK. You should also include a brief statement of your future career plans.
Leadership Example (500 words):
Describe a situation in which you were working with a group of people and recognized and responded to a need for leadership. The objective is to help the Committee understand your leadership conviction and drive, style and potential rather than provide a list of achievements, even if the leadership you undertook was not as successful as you may have wished. When answering this question, please consider the Marshall Commission’s criteria on Leadership Potential found at
Ambassadorial Potential (500 words):
Please hare how you will serve as an ambassador between your US and UK communities. In the essay, describe transferable skills, experiences, or extracurricular activities that will enable you to successfully engage with and contribute to your community in the UK. Be sure to include specific reasons why the UK, under a Marshall Scholarship, matches your personal and professional interests and how the US-UK relationship will be a part of your live post-Scholarship. When answering this question, please consider the Marshall Commission’s criteria on Ambassadorial Potential found at
If you or your recommenders have any questions about the Marshall Scholarship or campus application process, please do not hesitate to contact Dean Goldberg at,, or 610.330.5067.